Sunday, June 13, 2010

We saw DANCING in a Baptist Church!

Wow, this Baptist church was hoppin' baby! We arrived at the church by traveling on a dirt road about a half and hour from the Burns'. The church was located in a valley where you could imagine vast herds of zebra, gazelle, and lions roaming years ago. Today, it is lined with huts with thatched roofs. Ladies with water jugs on their heads walked on the roads, coming from the wells sprinkled throughout the valley.

My translator for the day was Abusa Peery. He is a seminary grad from the big city (Lilongwe). He has begun a pastor's training program in this rural area. Abusa Peery and I prepared the communion elements. This Baptist church has not taken communion in months because they are without a pastor. So today would be a special day. We poured a red liquid like cool-aid into small communion cups (obviously washed and recycled). But the red liquid was an palpable reminder that we share Christ in common. His blood covers over all peoples.

The service began with hymn singing. They used a paper backed Chichewa hymn book. But then the service hit a second gear. Choirs came forward to give their music numbers that had been practiced all week. It was usually music combined with dance! In fact, during one number Pastor Peery grabbed me by the arm and we did a dance to the song along with others!

I preached from 2Kings 22. The life of Josiah and his "rediscovery" of The Book. As part of our application, we gave them 5 new Bibles. We discovered that only a small portion of the people have a Bible. We will be giving five Bibles to each church where I preach.

I must go now. It is childrens' ministries day. And I will post pictures too.

1 comment:

  1. The pictures are great and you all look healthy. This is our prayer for you. Blessings on your day. We will remember you in our daily prayers.

    Kerry and Nancy Pierce
