Saturday, June 12, 2010

Orientation Satuday

(Saturday, 9pm, Ntchea District, Malawi)
Thank you so much for your prayers. God has been answering your prayers in amazing ways. We’ve had a great day of adjusting and connecting with people.

The day got off to a good start because of a full night sleep. Thanks you for prayers for our jet lag. We woke to sunny, very comfortable weather and the energetic, very friendly Burns family.

After a wonderful breakfast (we are quickly learning what a great cook LeAnne is), Chet drove us into Ntcheu for market day sightseeing and shopping. After the first stop, I wondered if the eyes might not all be on us if I just took off my hat at the next stop. That didn’t work! Chet told us that now he can visit the market without feeling that way. We’re impressed to see the rapport he has with the people. We made our big purchase of a chitenge, a colorful cloth to wrap around my skirt when I go into the village for modesty as well as protection from the dirt.

When we returned from market, Action Malawi team members began arriving for a luncheon and meeting. We were served a Malawian style lunch for the first time. We had a choice of rice or nsima (pronounced see-ma), eggs with a sauce, a cabbage dish and a beef dish.
Though that was a wonderful meal, the highlight was seeing the hearts of pastors here in Malawi. We had a time of sharing about families, ministries and visions. One of them led a beautiful praise song in African style. Then Pastor Brian was able to meet with his interpreters to acquaint them with the Walk Through plan, while Rich and I met with our interpreter to share our plan for the children’s ministry seminars. We loved the heart of Frances and are pleased with the answer to our prayers to prepare just the right person to relay the message God has led us to share.
The rest of the afternoon we enjoyed playing with the Burns children. Rich played his harmonica as we danced. We played several games and got to hear more about their interests before dinner. The sharing continued through another amazing meal….and continues all around me as I write.
We look forward to the church service tomorrow where Pastor Brian will preach his first sermon here.
-Marla Husby

Friday, June 11, 2010

We Arrived!

(Friday, 9:15pm, Malawi)
After 52 hours of continuous travel, we are in Malawi. The plane flight this morning was pretty routine, and Rich will share more about customs in a moment.

Chet Burns, the missionary with Action International, met us at the airport. We loaded everything into an extended cap pickup and took off south to Ntcheu (pronounced che-oo). We passed by thousands of people who live right off the main road in huts with thatched roofs. It is truly a page out of yesteryear.

We stopped and got some vegetables for the family at a roadside vendor (a group of women). I was surprised by the diversity and beauty of the veggies.

We had a wonderful dinner this evening with the Burns family. We also got a chance to meet three of their nine children. The three at home with them are all adopted from Africa with amazing stories. We will share more about each child as this week unfolds. The Burns family has two biological children and nine adopted – now that is a testimony.

I could tell a lot more stories, but my biological clock is crying! My body does not know what time it is! But I’m going to take a sleeping pill and hit the sack. Last night all of us woke up at 3pm. But I’m thinking I will do better tonight.
- Brian

Thanks for all your prayers. We experienced God’s hand at work in many areas:
*Opportunities to get acquainted with many African nationals and other people on the plane, in the hotel at Addis Ababa, and in airports.
*Direction from Him re timing of decisions in the airport.
*Safe arrival of all of our luggage!
*A customs agent who decided that bringing new (potentially taxable) items to a missionary family in Malawi was permissible—no duty, no opening of suitcases.
*The joy of completing our travel here, healthy, safe, and with minimal jet lag.
*Meeting and fellowshipping with the wonderful Burns family who God sent us to encourage.
- Rich Husby

Thursday, June 10, 2010

In Addis

Okay, it has been quite a day of travel. We are in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia right now. The entire plane was filled with people who are going to the World Cup. The entire continent is cup crazy.

Believe it or not, Ethiopian Air has GREAT food. The American's could learn a few things! All three of us ate like kings and a queen. We are so full that we don't even want dinner here at the hotel. Wow, crazy... good airline food! Only in Africa.

We took cat naps on the plane with the purpose of coming here to get a good night's sleep. It is 9:30pm here (11:30am in Seattle).

Everyone feels healthy. A night's rest and a shower will help us tremendously.

We can tell many are praying.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

In Washington DC

We got an early morning start. Shuttle van picked us up at 4am! And guess who was on the van with us - Dale and Carol Schlack. Small world.

We are in DC right now. In fact I (Brian) had an opportunity to meet the man (Obama) while here. And you can see Palin lurking in the background.

We hit the flight to Addis Ababa at 8:30pm Eastern Time. Then we are in for a 16 hour flight. We spend the night in Addis before heading into Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi.

Denise and I were praying together last night. Almost 10 years ago, I was scheduled to go to India to teach pastors. I was scheduled to depart in October 2001. You can do the math. 9/11 hit and grounded many international flights. The trip was scrubbed. Now here these years later, God has not forgotten that desire of my heart. The opportunity to teach less fortunate pastors has arisen again.

Rich and Marla are busy working on their script for the puppet ministry. They are trying to memorize a lot of the puppets' lines so that they can give a good example of what this ministry can be. They will be teaching that session on puppetry in English.

Our sign says "Africa or Bust." We're headed for Ethiopia first.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Leave Seatac on Wed

We leave Seatac on Wednesday at 7:30am. We'll report from Dulles in DC.