Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Walk Thru Bible - Day 1

We went to a new village area today called Mlengeni. It was a more overcast day and was slightly cooler. Although it was cold for the Malawians, it was quite comfortable for the Seattleites.

The Walk Thru program was a huge hit. It was such a kick to see the people doing all the hand motions with gusto and learning all the key ideas in Chichewa. In fact, I told the group today that they are the first group ever to learn the Walk Thru program in the Chichewa language! What special plans the Lord must have for them.

Today was part 1. We made it through all of the Pentateuch (first 5 books of the Bible). I will come back to this same church next Tuesday for part 2.

As always, the worship today was simply amazing. These Africans know how to do it! They even had me dancing with them again today. There is a soft spot in my heart for the exuberance in worship – and they do it so effortlessly.

Lunch today was wonderful. I liked it most because they allowed us to choose as much as we wanted. In previous days, they have “pre-loaded” our plates. And we are talking lumber-jack quantities! Today was perfect – and we were honored to eat in the pastor’s house.

Today they asked us to close the time with questions and answers. I thought it would be a few quick questions and we would be gone. No – these people stayed for more than an hour with question after question. Here were a few of the interesting questions they asked:
Can a man divorce his wife if she has gone mad?
Did Jacob sin when he married Leah and then Rachel?
What was the job of the Levites and Priests?

These people are hungry for the word of God. And for many of them, it is likely the first course they have ever taken that is an overview of the Scriptures. It was a great day!

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